And now the rules of acceptance are...
1. Thank the person giving the award.
2. Copy the award graphic to your blog.
3. Place a link to their blog.
4. Name seven things people don’t know about you.
5. Nominate seven bloggers you admire.
6. Place a link to these bloggers.
7. Leave a comment on their blog notifying them of the award.
Ok - 7 things you probably didn't know about me...
1. I love fresh coffee, cappuchino, latte, mochachino, etc but I HATE coffee flavour cake,chocolate, and I loathe instant coffee, etc...
2. I was born in Edinburgh but have lived in Inverurie since I was 12...
3. Despite common misconceptions... I DO love my children...lol...
4. When I was at school I had dreams of being an archaeologist (sooo not brainy enough), I was
fascinated by it... yet I hate period dramas...
5. My middle names are Margaret May after the popular Rod Stewart song 'Maggie May'... only
joking they are after my grannies...
6. I can't swim...
7. I wish I could dance...
My 7 bloggers who I am passing this on to are
1. Dina Wakley at Ponderings cos I love love love her style and really, really want to do a
workshop with her but I will have to content myself with one of her online classes...
2. Dyan at Art and Soul who started me on the road to Art Journaling (or art stuff as Niamh
calls it)...
3. Kirsty at .ruby's mamma made it who not only shares my name but also seems to share my
taste in furnishings and nik-naks, oh and camper vans (even if I can't afford to have all I
would really like-I can dream tho)...
4. Stampotique Originals Blog purely because I have fallen in love with these stamps... only
problem it that there are SOOO many that I don't know which ones to get...
5. Dee at An Artist's Ramblings by Faux Painter as she was one of my first followers and always encouraged with her kind comments when I first started... oh yes, and I like her little doggie too...
6. Debbie at Country Heart and Home.. she is another one that shares my shabby taste...and I
won her blog candy last week... and she does wonderful recipes... can't wait to try out
the lemon cake after tomorrow when my new oven arrives...
7. And last but not least Tim Holtz... now do you think he will acknowledge the comment I leave
on his blog...lol... I doubt it but I just love all his stuff so it's worth a plug...
I was trying very hard not to do the same ones as Sonja but it was very hard as I like all her ones too.... so if I have missed you out, I am sorry but this was a really hard choice as everyone's blog who I follow is brilliant....
So now I will pop of and let them know they have been awarded... Happy blopping everyone...xoxo