Today Ellie and Libby went of to
Lochter for the day with Brownies leaving us with just Morgan and
Niamh...Allan decided we were going to go to the
Feein Market in
Stonehaven but then I looked at the paper and realised he was looking at yesterday's so he said why not go to
Thainstone instead....
One of the first things I spotted was this gorgeous
cakestand which I immediately thought would be great for the Tea Party...

I asked how much it was and she said 8 pounds (or so I thought), she gave the usual sales pitch - not being able to get them like this anymore and she said she had paid 25 pounds for it, so I said I would think about it...After we left Allan said she had said 80 pounds so I thought no way.

Just as we were about to leave Allan said he would go back and haggle with her - he asked how much I was willing to pay and I said 10 pounds so I gave him all the money I had in my purse and waited....He caught up with us with the
cakestand all wrapped up in
bubblewrap and when I asked how much, he said 17 pounds which was all the money I had given him so I was a bit annoyed and then he said she was asking 8 (not 80-we thought it was a bit weird that she was only asking 8 if she paid 25 for it) so he said 6, she said no, so he said 7 as that was all the money he had and she said YES!!! It's gorgeous isn't it??? Of course I googled it when we got back and found exactly the same one on
ebay for 29.99 plus 6.45 p+p so it was a bargain!!!!

On to the envelopes for the party...This is the only 'paper' goods that I have bought so far....I stamped up 'key to the party' and the actual key in black
stazon and the name and 'party' in
SUs Real Red... Each name had to be done individually and was quite time consuming but so worth it.... I also stamped a tiny 'N' for Niamh on the key using my SU Stamp-a-ma-jig to line it up all up (
Elaine you would be proud!!)...

Oh yes...and we 'had' to do an invitation to Mrs
Rainie (one of
Niamh's nursery teachers)...
Niamh is insisting that she is invited and it would be fab it she could come as she is really lovely - she has had Morgan, Ellie and Libby at nursery as well so
Niamh is the last one....

And this is the 'Piece
de Resistance'... Me and Ellie were in
Tesco last weekend when we spotted this huge cardboard cut-out at the bottom of the escalator advertising the release of the Alice in Wonderland movie on DVD on 4
th June and I said to Ellie that it would be fab as the welcome banner for the party... While walking round we bumped into Eddie who is one of the managers at the store and I asked him about it... he said he would lay it aside for me after they were finished with it...Yesterday we popped into
Tesco for some bits and pieces after football and he gave it to us...I had forgotten how tall it was(I am 5' 6" and it's taller than me)!!! Had to fold it a little to get it in the car... It is now safely
ensconced in the spare room and I am going to change the date on it to the date of the party....