MORGAN before...

and after...not sure there is that much difference but there was a fair chunk of his hair cut of and it is much neater than it was.....

ELLIE before...

and after...she is starting to look very grown up all of a sudden and doesn't she have a lovely smile...very natural..(sorry, bragging about my kids, can't help it!!)

LIBBY before...

and after...much, much better, still trying to grown that fringe out...
NIAMH before...

and after...she only had the very wispy ends cut of and this was her first haircut too...

This is my baby of to school this morning - doesn't she look gorgeous in that school uniform...I could eat her all up, she is so cute!!!!
Edit...if you enlarge this one you can see the little dimples in her knees....
She is another one with a gorgeous smile. She was very excited to be going to school today (1st day) and was up at 6am this morning so I had to send her back to bed for a little while...

The little ones all ready to go...

and the big ones...

Don't they all look smart in their uniforms!!! So that's them back to school - Primary 7, Primary 6, Primary 4 and Primary 1....
Sorry no crafty things to share this week as I am working on some things that are being kept under wraps for the minute but maybe once I finish that I will have time to work on some other bits!!! Take care and enjoy what's left of the week!!!